Discover how palmistry reveals your talents, character, and destiny through hand shapes, lines, and ancient wisdom.
Embrace the “perennial mindset” to live vibrantly at any age! Challenge stereotypes and redefine what growing older means.
Radical acceptance entails wholeheartedly embracing life’s ups and downs, even amid extreme pain and discomfort – not for the faint-hearted.
Every day you make decisions based on what you value. But what happens when you hit a fork in the road and you have to choose?
Memories tell a story that at times serves and at other times unnerves. Either way, without them we lose who we are.
Explore the intricate dance of values and actions in the human psyche. Navigating cognitive dissonance for self-discovery.
Authenticity is an ancient word that has undergone a modern do-over in the 21st century. This is the nature of language; it morphs and changes. What does authenticity mean in its more contemporary mode? Is it a fad, or does it have staying power? Let’s get real with what it means to be authentic.
The second decade of the 21st century has been the era of the jab. Arguably the most commonly used word during this time has, sadly, been “vaccination”. While to jab or not to jab has caused so much controversy and division, one thing we all desire is to be immune to the insidious COVID virus that caught the world by surprise. But while we acknowledge that we can choose to get shots to ward off diseases, is there a shot that can give us immunity from sadness and stress?
You know that feeling when one part of your life is in a flat tailspin while another part is soaring to great heights? We are complex beings and capable of experiencing all the emotional seasons in one day like rain on a sunny day. Of course, this can be disorienting and draining, but the trick is knowing how to deal with life when we feel torn in two, feeling both good, bad and just a bit mixed up.
It is healthy to contemplate good times ahead. In fact, it makes living in the present that much easier. Discover five ways to create certainty in an uncertain future.
Negative self-talk can affect your mindset and your everyday life. Discover how swapping out “should” for “want” changes your life for the better.
The art of being is learning to let go of the external and embrace the internal. Discover how to cultivate the relationship with self.
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